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 Biographical and professional information about Marie Ventrice. Marie Ventrice, in 1974, became the first doctoral candidate to graduate from Tennessee Tech and went on to be associate dean of Tech's College of Engineering. Before retiring in 2000, she administered a National Science Foundation grant program that encourage women to study engineering.

1970-1987, 2003

Biographical and professional information about Marie Ventrice. Marie Ventrice, in 1974, became the first doctoral candidate to graduate from Tennessee Tech and went on to be associate dean of Tech's College of Engineering. Before retiring in 2000, she administered a National Science Foundation grant program that encourage women to study engineering., Biographical and professional information about Marie Ventrice. Marie Ventrice, in 1974, became the first doctoral candidate to graduate from Tennessee Tech and went on to be associate dean of Tech's College of Engineering. Before retiring in 2000, she administered a National Science Foundation grant program that encourage women to study engineering.

1970-1987, 2003

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